Sometimes you don’t háve to choose between chocoláte ánd vánillá, you cán háve both! I took my fávorite chocoláte ánd vánillá cáke recipe ánd combined them to máke this stripy wonder. For the decorátion scheme I wánted to go ás preppy ás possible so two tone stripes with simple dollops of álternáting flávors on top. I loved the look of this cáke ánd álwáys think it’s nice to give guests á bit of á choice when it comes to dessert!
For the Cáke:
- 1 2/3 cups áll purpose flour
- 1 cup gránuláted sugár
- 1/4 teáspoon báking sodá heáping
- 1 teáspoon báking powder heáping
- 3/4 cup butter unsálted, room temperáture
- 3 táblespoons vánillá extráct
- 3 egg whites room temperáture
- 1/2 cup sour creám room temperáture
- 1/2 cup milk room temperáture
- 3 táblespoons cocoá powder
- 1 cup butter unsálted
- 5 cups confectioners sugár
- 2 táblespoons vánillá extráct
- 1/4 cup heávy whipping creám You'll probábly use less
- 1 cup butter unsálted, room temperáture
- 5 cups confectioners sugár
- 1/4 cup heávy whipping creám You'll probábly use less
- 4 oz semi sweet chocoláte melted
- ⅓ cup cocoá powder
- For the Cáke:
- Preheát to 350 degrees F. Butter ánd flour 4 six inch cáke páns. I álwáys use cáke strips on my páns for án even báke but they're optionál.
- Sift the dry ingredients (not the cocoá powder), including the sugár, together in á lárge bowl.
- Mix the wet ingredients together in á medium bowl. There will be little butter lumps but don't worry ábout it!
- ádd the wet to the dry ánd mix until just combined.
- Divide the mixture into 2 bowls. 1/2 for the vánillá ánd 1/2 for the chocoláte.
- ádd the cocoá powder to smáller bátch ánd mix.
- Tránsfer the two bátters into four 6″ cáke páns, which háve been buttered ánd floured.
- Báke for ábout 30 minutes or until the centers áre springy to the touch. Test centers with á toothpick.
- For the Vánillá Buttercreám:
- In á stánding mixer, beát the butter on low for á few minutes using á páddle áttáchment.
- Beát in the confectioner’s sugár slowly.
- ádd the vánillá ánd drizzle in the creám slowly until you háve á desiráble consistency.
- Tránsfer to 2 piping bágs ánd snip off the tips.
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